Monday, February 18, 2008


10 of 15 polymath (Renaissance Men) in this world came from ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION!

Ibnu Firnas: "Ibn Firnas was the first man in history to make a scientific attempt at flying."
He is an aviator, inventor, technologist, chemist, humanitarian, musician, physician and poet.

al Farabi: "The second teacher of the new world"
He is a scientists and philosophers, cosmologist, logician, musician, psychologist and sociologist.

Ibnu Haytham: "The father of optics. The 'mad' scientist"
He is a scientist, physicist, anatomist, physician, psychologist, astronomer, engineer, mathematician, ophthalmologist, philosopher, and Ash'ari theologian.

al Biruni: "One of the greatest mind of Islam"
scientist, physicist, anthropologist, astronomer, astrologer, encyclopedist, geodesist, geographer, geologist, historian, mathematician, natural historian, pharmacist, physician, philosopher, scholar, teacher, Ash'ari theologian, and traveller.

Ibnu Sina: "The father of modern medicine"
He is a physician, pharmacologist, philosopher, metaphysician, aromatherapist, astronomer, chemist, Hanafi jurist and theologian, physicist, scientist, universalist, poet, statemen, and soldier.

Ibnu Rusyd: "The man who influenced Western Europe"
He is a master of philosophy, theology, Maliki law and jurisprudence, astronomy, geography, mathematics, medicine, physics, psychology and science.

Nasiruddin al Tusi: "Father of astronomy"
He is an astronomer, biologist, chemist, mathematician, philosopher, physician, scientist, and theologian.

Ibnu Khaldun: "Father of economics, sociology, history, historiology, demography, philosophy of history.... or in short words, the Father of all social sciences"

He is an Arab social scientist, sociologist, historian, historiographer, philosopher of history, demographer, economist, linguist, philosopher, political theorist, military theorist, Islamic scholar, Ash'ari theologian, diplomat and statesman; "a still-influential polymath".

Sultan Sulaiman: "The magnificient"
He is an an Ottoman emperor, "Renaissance Man", "goldsmith, warrior, leader, scholar, and poet

Us: Eh, polymath tu ape ha? Ada kaitan ngn poligon ke?


freshie said...

subhanallah.. this guy is gettin more mature. u've tried ur best right? ganbatte kudasai! dan yg penting,jgn lupekan kwn yg pnah berikan sokongan..

ibnu_umar said...

tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang, inikan pula medan berdakwah..
