Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Today I would like to ask you a puzzle.
Can you tell me a dot,
that the eyes cannot spot?
An invisible dot? aa.. Let's be more precise.
It is a dot sitting in a blind spot.
But a blind spot is just a temporary hide-out. Once the head moves, the dot can be seen again. So if you do not want the dot to be seen, do not fix the eyes, but fix the paper. Erase it.
The same rule applies to human being. Firstly, lets be frank. All of us are not maksum. We commit mistakes. We commit sins. We are HUMAN.
When we commit sins, we ignore it; hide it in our own personal blind spot so people cannot see.
We repeated the sin, and we hid it again.
A new sin, hid it again.
Another sin, hid it again.
Some more, hid it again.
Hide it in a same place, in a same space.
One day, the blind spot ran out of space. It is full of sins. It is so full that it can’t cover the sins anymore from other people. It became like an exhibition where all people can see all your sins since you were born. That is the end of those who opted to hide their mistakes and sins in the blind spot. The ultimate destiny of those who fixed the eyes, not the paper.
Can we erase our sin? Yes we can.
"Kemudian, sesungguhnya Tuhan-mu (mengampuni) orang yang mengerjakan kesalahan itu kerana kebodohannya, kemudian mereka bertaubat setelah itu memperbaiki (dirinya), sungguh, Tuhan-mu setelah itu benar-benar Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang" (An-Nahl:119)
If the dot on the paper can be erased using an eraser, the stains in our ‘book’ can be deleted by making taubah. By always says astaghfirullah. Even our prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him, a maksum, recite it 70 times a day.
Have you recite astaghfirullah today?
“tepuk dada, tanya iman”.